[MODELO] “Título inválido”


The Federal Law nbr. 8,285/91, so called “The Tenancy Law”, when adding ………nbr. VII to the 3rd Section of Federal Law nbr. 8,XX9/90, excluded from the protection of the “Restraint of Mortgage Act on Family Asset” , the guarantor of the tenancy relation, himself an owner of a sole family homely asset. In acting so, the legislator moved into the scope of the human being´s minimum existence without sound justification, thus, violating the fundamental right to living . The legislator is attached to the directives of social justice implied within 1988 Federal Constitution, especially those in regard to the issues aiming the reduction of poverty and social discrepancies.

Certainly, while clearly privileging the right of credit, such consequence deprives the family´s sole homely asset, connected to third party´s debt, in as much that the very same third party could not have his own and sole homely asset subject to that debit, therefore, implying in the deviation of the premises settled by the Paramount Law, and so, hampering the destiny of the entire society.

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